Hard to believe it's been 10 years since finally giving a name to the crazy, intense, vomiting! I'm happy to report Andrew did out grow CVS around age 12 and switch to migraines now which are managed at home. We've not been in the hospital since port removal in Fall of 2019. It was an insane, constant state of affairs for 7 years, and now it's a thing of the past that the memories remain, some scaring on the veins probably, and a skewed sense of what constitutes a lot of vomiting.
It's not an exaggeration to say these episodes included vomiting every 3-5 min for hours. Easily 10 rounds of vomiting an hour was the norm. Light episodes it might be 6x hour. Total shut down withdrawal also standard as he'd lay eye closed and hid out in quiet dark room and try not to move. I will forever be thankful for the friends we've made along the way who simple said "You too? You mean I'm not the only on?". It is for all of us I chose to write and share our unique story of Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome.
I'll still be supporting fellow parents on the Facebook group.
This will hopefully be my last blog post on the topic.
Rice Family